Welcome To The Healing Mind
Would you like to learn how to become more comfortable and relaxed?
Would you like to turn worry from a problem creator to a problem solver?
Would you like to learn to use your mind/body connection for healing yourself?
Then The Healing Mind newsletter is for you!
Welcome to The Healing Mind, your top-level resource for mind/body healing guidance. We’re glad to have you join our community so you can learn to use the most underutilized health resource we have– the healing power of our brains and minds!
The Healing Mind offers four levels of guidance and instruction in mind/body healing:
1) Online Courses featuring video lectures, audio imagery guidance, journals and tracking tools
2) Self-Guided Home Learning Courses each with a full-length book and accompanying audio relaxation and Guided Imagery processes (Best if you prefer to read over watching video)...
3) Focused audio Guided Imagery programs for specific issues
4) Individual Interactive Guided Imagery sessions with Dr. Rossman
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Learn from One of the World’s Leading Teachers of Mind/Body Medicine

"Dr. Marty Rossman is a gifted practitioner and teacher of guided imagery and mind/body medicine. I highly recommend his CDs and audio programs for learning how to use your mind/body connection for healing."" - Dr. Andrew Weil

"Martin Rossman, M.D., is one of the pioneers in developing the field of imagery. My colleagues and I have used his tapes in our clinical research and found them to be very useful. Highly recommended." - Dr. Dean Ornish